Dear my future husband,
Be a good khalifah, a humble prayers, a good reciter of AlQuran
So you can guide me, bring me and accompany me to Jannah.
Be a good son to your parent, a kind person with beautiful heart
You don't need to be so perfect for me to love you,
You are far perfect enough than me.
Whatever rough path that you and me have been through,
Whatever obstacles that you and me have overcome,
No matter who you are in your past, present and future,
Keep my words that I'll be so in love with you.
I'll be a best wife, a lovely mum to your children and
I'll give u rub downs on your long day work.
And dear my future husband,
I'll be wait to meet you and
look forward the day you say
"Aku terima nikahnya...."
*Jodoh itu rahsia Allah :)
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